The Five Hour Fighting System

The Five Hour Fighting System

The Five Hour Fighting System is a complete set of 5 DVD's in which martial arts expert Trevor Roberts teaches his most effective techniques that can be used on the street. Essential for anyone who wants to feel safe in the modern world.Suitable for all types of security or door work, personal protection and self defence

In this professionally produced 5 disc DVD set Trevor gives an in-depth demonstration of every move in every sequence. Techniques are performed multiple times, shown from different angles so you see exactly 'where' and 'how' the holds are applied and the strikes aimed for devastating effect.

As for 'why', Trevor gives clear and precise instruction throughout, with useful and interesting annotations to explain the various martial arts principles applied or body physiology and how we can use it to our advantage.

Trevor's no-nonsense, no BS style gives you what you need to learn, without the bravado and fluff found on other martial arts. Trevor doesn't need to boast about his skills, any martial arts professional, expert or keen enthusiast is happy to do that for him.
  • DVD 1: Striking for the Street
  • DVD 2: Locks and Chokes
  • DVD 3: Escape Techniques
  • DVD 4: Street Grappling
  • DVD 5: Real Life Applications

Buy the full 5 DVD set for only £126.99 (inc VAT)

For more information on the Five Hour Fighting System please contact Trevor


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  2. Hi, I just had a couple quick questions about The Five Hour Fighting System: How would one go about purchasing this DVD set? And how much would it be in USD since I live in America?

  3. I'd also like to purchase - in Australia
